Music & Arts

Music & Arts

The Purpose of Music

The purpose of music at The Donway Covenant United Church is to uplift the spirit and bring us closer to God.

To enrich worship, we explore a variety of music: classical,


popular, and


Hymns, anthems and special music reflect the church season, sermon topic and scriptural passages.

Adult Choir

The adult choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00. We welcome enthusiastic beginners from age 16 to 100. No experience is necessary.

Singers are taught the fundamentals of vocal technique and choral interpretation in a fun yet instructive environment.

Highlights of the church year include the annual Christmas Cantata and special music for the Easter season. We also form small groups of singers to punctuate special rituals in the services including Communion and Baptism.

Many guest artists perform with the choir throughout the year. 

More information: 416-444-8444; Click here to email

Music on the Donway

Music on the Donway is a two-concert series.

The series presents top quality, eclectic musical offerings to the Don Mills community.

Recent performers on the series include: The Eh!? Trio, The Yorkminstrels, Countermeasure, The Hamilton All Star Vocal Band and many more.

Concerts are usually held in November and April. 

More information:
416-444-8444; Click here to email


We are a church community blessed with very talented and generous members who have created a rich aesthetic environment for our life together. Our Worship Committee and Minister recognize that worship can and should be a multi-valent experience of Word, Sacrament, and Art, bringing people out of themselves and into God’s presence.

Among these gifts have been the work of people like the Architect of our Sanctuary, Walter Flanagan, who designed a beautiful space using soaring, curved brick walls and natural wood accents, fitting the natural woodsy setting of Don Mills.

Complementing the natural wood and brick are our extraordinarily beautiful hand quilted banners designed by Textile Artist Janet Hossack, using naturally dyed cloths from Africa and uniquely original designs to remind us that, in the words of our Creed, “We live in God’s world” and are called “to live with respect in Creation”.

We have original watercolour paintings by half a dozen member artists on walls throughout our Christian Education and Administrative buildings, and we have large modern prints depicting evocative biblical scenes which are rotated on display depending on the liturgical season.

The Sanctuary Décor Team led by Barb and Don Messaros continually surprise us with both the natural beauty and symbolically meaningful liturgical décor they create throughout the year.

Our Communion cups and plates were designed and created by Potter Joan Dewar, and the aromatic Communion wafers we use are made fresh by an artisanal baking company (we offer gluten-free wafers, too).

Short dramas, dance, poetry, and readings from different spiritual traditions are all welcome in our worship time together.

The music we enjoy ranges from European classical church organ music, to jazz played on our grand piano, and world music shared by Christian brothers and sisters in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Our choir of dedicated church members, led by professional soloists, offers inspiring pieces of music, and also gently leads the whole congregation in singing a wide variety of hymns.

As well, we have an annual series of three “Music On The Donway” concerts which bring in talented soloists and groups of musicians who play and sing every type of music imaginable. 

One of the highlights of our year is an annual Fair Trade Festival where we invite vendors from around the world to bring fairly traded and beautiful crafts to sell.

Over the years, some of these global creations have inspired us so much that we’ve purchased them and have them displayed.

We also love hosting annual photo exhibits in our Sanctuary, provoking discussion of social issues, and we host two film series every year, of films which challenge us to think and feel in new ways. 

We’re blessed, and we’d love to share these rich blessings with you.

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