“We witness to Holy Mystery that is Wholly Love.” (A Song of Faith)
To follow Jesus by sharing God’s unconditional love as the Spirit empowers us.
We will follow Jesus...
The Bible is a source of wisdom, personal prayer, and devotion. We believe the Bible can teach us about the ways God is at work in the world.
We often refer to a passage as "the Word of God." By this we mean the writer was inspired by God. We also know that the various books that make up the Bible are the stories of two ancient communities trying to be faithful to God under difficult circumstances. Some of what was experienced and written by the ancient Hebrew and early Christian communities does not fit our world today. We do not condone slavery, for example, or discriminate against members of the LGBTQ+ community. Nevertheless, in its stories and teachings, the Bible continues to have a mysterious power to inform our lives.
A sacrament is visible reminder of God's grace and goodness. In a sacrament, ordinary things like water, bread, and wine point us to God and God’s love. In the United Church, we celebrate two sacraments: baptism, the ritual that formally recognizes we belong to the Christian community, and communion, a meal initiated by Jesus that reminds of God's presence in our lives.
Jesus welcomed everyone. It did not matter to Jesus whether you were rich, or barely getting by; ill or healthy; self-made or educated; popular or a loner; secure or full of doubts. We, the congregation of The Donway Covenant United Church, believe that all persons are beloved children of God. As followers of Jesus Christ, we value the diversity of the human family: people of all races, ages, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities and economic positions.
Faith is a journey and what we believe comes out of our traditions, our own experiences, history and how we perceive the world and God. A Song of Faith is the most current expression of what the United Church of Canada understands it faith to be in our early 21st
Written in 1968 with two further revisions, a New Creed is a brief and well-loved affirmation of faith used widely in worship.
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