The Donway Covenant United Church,

Toronto, Ontario


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fdfdAlthough we do a variety of things as a church and bring together many different points of view, we stand united in our faith as followersttttttttdied in our United Church of Canada Creed:

We are not alone,fgfg   
We live in God’s world.
We believe in God:dfdfd
We trust in God.
We are called to be the Church:
to celebrate God’s presence,
to live with respect in Creation,
to love and serve others,
to seek justice and resist evil,
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
our Judge and our Hope.

In life, in death, in life beyond death,
God is with us.

We are not alone.
Thanks be to God.

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The congregation gathers at 10:30 each Sunday morning for worship, music and insight into living each day as people of God. Our service is a time of community among friends.
There is a time for coffee, tea, juice and visiting for everyone immediately following the worship service, which typically ends by about 11:40.

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Membership in The Donway Covenant United Church links you in heart, mind, spirit and voice with this faith community.  It means deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ and exploring the daily reality of following His path.

Membership is a process of discovery. Some people arrive at The Donway Covenant as seasoned veterans of the United Church. Others are newcomers seeking a vibrant faith community they can call home.

If you choose not to become an official member of The Donway Covenant, you are welcome to consider yourself an "adherent".  An adherent is someone who is involved with the church, and attends regularly, but hasn't taken the final step of becoming a member.  Some people prefer to be adherents if they have been born into another faith and wish to honour that tradition.  Or you can just come and join us when you're able.
  • How to Become a Member
    • Join us for a Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. We hope you will feel and enjoy a real sense of community and fellowship.
    • If you like what you've experienced, contact either the minister, Rev. Jennifer Palin after the worship service or the Church Administrator / Property Manager, Jillian Warner during the week and let either know that you are considering membership at The Donway Covenant.
    • If you communicate your decision to become a member to the Church Administrator she will set up a date for you to meet with the minister.
    • After that meeting, a date for Membership Sunday will be set.  Membership Sunday is held during our regular 10:30 Sunday service. Along with other people who wish to join, you will be formally welcomed before the Congregation at that time.
    • Your level of church involvement is up to you, but we encourage an active membership at The Donway Covenant. You may consider bringing energy and ideas to committee work or the many day-to-day tasks that keep The Donway Covenant running smoothly. Please click on the link to our Volunteer Sign-up Sheet.
    • We hope that as a member, you will consider financial support in the form of givings. By this point, you may have received Offering Envelopes or arranged a pre-authorized remittance. If you require information about these options, Jillian, the Church Administrator / Property Manager, would be delighted to assist you.

    More information: Jillian Warner, 416-444-8444; Click here to email.  

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  • 10. How should I dress for church?

    Comfortably and casually. There is no dress code at The Donway Covenant and we welcome you just as you are.

  • 9. How will I know what to do at the right time?

    At the front door, a greeter will hand you a church bulletin that will walk you through the service.

  • 8. What if I don’t know anyone else who goes to The Donway Covenant?

    Both newcomers and regulars often come on their own. After the service we enjoy Fair Trade tea and coffee in the auditorium, so please join us.

  • 7. How much money should I put in the collection plate?

    There is no required donation from you. Should you become a regular, you may want to think about what amount you can afford to contribute towards supporting what we do. No offering is ever considered too small.

  • 6. What if I can’t sing very well, don’t know the tune, or don’t want to?

    There is no obligation to sing along. However, you may find you want to! When we sing our voices join together, and we all sound wonderful! There are song books located in each pew, and the bulletin will tell you which hymns are being sung when (they are numbered).

  • 5. What if I’m not baptized?

    Baptism is a very personal thing. We do not require that you be baptized to participate fully at The Donway Covenant. At the same time, should you feel this is something you’d like to pursue, you are invited to discuss it with our minister.

  • 4. What if I happen to come when they are serving communion?

    You will hear us say “Everyone is welcome at the table.” That means you may join if you are sincerely seeking to follow Christ. If you want to observe the first time, that is also fine by us. There is no pressure either way. Like baptism, receiving communion is a personal choice.

  • 3. Is there a preferred time of year to start going to church?

    When you feel the urge to listen for God’s message, and share that curiosity in a community of faith, the time is right for you to check us out. Some people join us for special occasions like Christmas, Easter or when they start a family. There is no reason better than another, or a better time than now.

  • 2. I’m not “United”. Can I still come to The Donway Covenant?

    The United Church of Canada started out as a merger of several denominations and at The Donway Covenant we continue that tradition today. In fact, we bet if you asked ten of our church members if they were brought up United, 8 would say “No”. We are open to anyone who is on a spiritual journey. Come out and see if The Donway Covenant is the place to call your spiritual home.

  • 1. Is The Donway Covenant the right church for me?

    We can’t really answer that question for you. But we can tell you that it’s the right place for us, and we welcome others to join us. Why don’t you try us on for size by coming to a service or contacting our minister today? You may discover that The Donway Covenant is your spiritual home, too!

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In the United Church of Canada, we know that each person has their own life path, their own way of being in relationship with the Divine Mystery which we experience in Jesus. Our congregation offers a wide variety of ways to grow spiritually stronger, the most important one is probably simply being in relationship with each other. We meet Jesus in the ups and downs of life together as a church community, and so we place a strong emphasis on building community here. We are diverse, and we grow spiritually by practicing a gracious hospitality towards each other - stretching to meet in unity across our differences, and rejoicing when we share communion.

We also have regular opportunities for spiritual practice:

  • our Adult Study Group reads and discusses spiritually challenging books by a wide variety of authors; we also have annual special group studies on topical issues, connecting our beliefs with our practices in the world
  • our Church Library is well-stocked with classics and contemporary books and films on a wide variety of topics
  • our Sanctuary is a place for quiet contemplation in a place with serene décor using natural materials and colours – we open this to the whole community every day
  • our twice-a-year Film Festivals are opportunities to ask questions in community about how theology intersects with human life in sometimes challenging, but always wondrous, ways
  • for six months/year, our large Gardens are places where members and non-members can help green plants grow beautifully
  • very significantly, we want our love of healthy spiritual community to grow beyond our congregation into God’s beautiful and hurting world – and so we sponsor many events which seek justice, strengthen kindness, and help us all learn to walk humbly with our God.

For more information: Call 416-444-8444

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